Variety is the spice of retail advertising
Retailers who believe advertising is entirely about content are not just barking up the wrong tree, they aren’t even in the wood. As with virtually all of broadcast advertising, it’s largely about feeling. Whatever specifics a retailer promotes, the recipients will almost always have something else in mind. But if you make the ad resonate with your targets, they just might decide there could be something in it for them, and that creates footfall.

Texas Doors
Texas Van
Texas Installation
Texas Greenhouse
That thought drove this little radio campaign I wrote for Texas Homecare, now part of Homebase. A shopping list of the usual suspects and services, graced by some wonderful performances from Geoffrey Palmer and others, presented as individual comedy cameos.
The campaign ran for a month; sadly, the sales spike wasn’t matched with any improvement in the atmosphere instore or their casual customer service. So it was back to Mr Shouty and his List of Amazing Prices, as Texas continued to sink gently into the clutches of J Sainsbury.